Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why some diets will simply never work for you

You might be one of those people who are the perpetual optimists that do not believe that a diet can fail them. Well I am here to inform you that a diet can fail you and it fails many people. The diet involves a large selection of variables that you may or may not be able to fulfill. The moment you fail to fulfill any of these variables then you will already be in the bracket of possible failures. Your lifestyle may be such that it is really impractical to expect that you will be able to follow the strict regimes that are prescribed by certain diets. You may also have health conditions that make it rather hard for you to follow the routines that should go s a matter of course with your diet plans. The result is that you begin to cheat on yourself and fail to take responsibility for your own body and its shortcomings.

I always believe that the principles that govern a good diet have to be relatively simple. From simplicity we can build something that is complex and very effective. In any case the more difficult a diet is to perform, the less likely that people will be able to complete it in full. Calorie counting can form the basis of your basic diet and then you can build it up slowly to include other complex factors. When you count calories you start thinking about what you are doing in a meaningful way. Food is no longer to be eaten responsibly but you have to watch out for over indulgence and eating foods that are obviously bad for you. At the same time you do not want to become an obsessive that ceases to get joy out of life. You cannot live your entire life in dieting problems.

Your body can also begin to become your enemy when it acts as if losing weight is a bad thing. If you lose too much weight through dieting the body will start thinking that you are in some sort of crisis and that it has to store food just in case you are faced with a starvation situation. Therefore it will drastically reduce the amount of energy that it expends and will start to store nutrients in the form of fat in the hope that one day this will save you from death. That is why after a certain period of dieting, the weight loss will reduce its speed of progress and you might even find that it has come to a standstill.
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