Welcome to the only fat loss blogs. This is I our first posting and I will be returning every three days. As I have mentioned in all the other blogs, please feel free to add your own comments and perspectives. My idea is to make this a community blog where everyone can share ideas. Today I will be looking at some tips to help you overcome that issue of fat. Our first port of call will deal with both the dietary and non-dietary elements of weight management program.
It is important to ensure that you have some structure when dieting. It has been suggested that the best way to achieve this is to have set meal times and avoid snacking outside those meal times. Some people advise that it is better to have a series of small meals than one large meal. First of all the small meals mean that you have time to digest the food and that you don’t have the need to snack as each of those meals will act as a little snack in itself.
It is advisable to allocate a mean time and then stick to it. This should happen at particular times of the day. You can have flexibility about how you deal with cravings by changing the hours to suite your needs but try not to make the gaps between meals too long as it might disrupt how you manage your eating habits and could cause cravings.
There is a body mechanism that advises us when we need to eat and that is hunger. It is not advisable to eat when you are not angry. Food should not become a means to make you feel better about your life. This would be the unfortunate beginning of comfort eating which can have devastating effects on a diet. Do not attempt to compensate for reduced food intake by going crazy on the snacks. If you do this, the weight will go straight back on.
If you are in a position where you cannot possibly avoid snacking, it is even better to snack on vegetables and fruit. At least that way you will know that you are getting essential nutrients and are very important for your wellbeing. However you will also get the feeling of satisfaction which can reduce the incidence of cravings.
Anyway that is it for today, I wish you the very best with your dieting and especially keeping the fat away. Please do post your comments or ideas on the panel. Have a nice day.
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