Wednesday, January 27, 2010

They Challenges of a High Protein Diet

Hi Guys. We now move on to a controversial topic which is the protein diet. Some people swear by them while others detest them. We all know that protein is the construction material for all body cells but too much of anything will bring problems. How then can we expect for people who eat high protein diets to lose weight? There will also be queries as to whether one can truly have a balanced diet based purely on protein. Most foods contain protein so it is not one of those foods which are scarce. It can be found in both chicken, fish, dairy products and meat. Obviously the quality of protein will vary greatly.

Although they have been reported to work very well, these types of diets are not effective or sustainable on a long-term basis. They can lead to a lack of essential nutrients and serious health complications. Looking trim does not mean that you sacrifice your precious health in the process. I would personally rather be fat than dead. If more people really cared about their health, we would have less people ending up in hospital.

High protein diets consist of fairly low carbohydrates intake and so calories are also low. The result will be some muscle loss so to offset the drop in carbohydrates and keep your calories above "starvation level," your protein intake must be increased. Proteins help to burn fat while maintaining body tissue if they figure heavily within the diet. Unfortunately good health is not just about controlling weight. It is about your general wellbeing and that is not to be compromised at the seat of transient beauty.

Be prepared to drink plenty of water as you embark on this sort of diet. You will find yourself that you feel thirsty. It also tends to make your breathe stink due to the high intake of meat products all the time. You also have to be aware that these diets usually demand that you take fewer carbohydrates which in fact provide energy to the body. You will need to take care that you do not lose the one food that is capable of giving you energy. You need energy to perform all your daily tasks.

Well that is it for tonight folks. Have a nice day and keep at it. You never know one day you might reach your ideal weight without even noticing it. I will keep checking the blog for your comments.
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