You might like to think that your family and friends are the ones helping you to lose weight but do you know that they may be the first people who are helping you to retain weight? This in post we will try to look at some of the ways in which your friends and family can make your fatter.
1. Family and friends may be giving you treats that will pile on the calories. This could even be following some sense of misguided loyalty but at the same time it is destroying you. I am not saying that your family is being malicious but their actions could make it much harder for you reduce you intake. I once knew of a health conscious month who kept complaining that his wife kept cooking him food that was not suitable for his diet. In this case he had blood pressure and diabetes. Meanwhile the wife thought she was doing him a favor by cooking rich foods. In the event she was gradually killing him.
2. Your friends and family are a great influence on your eating habits. If your circle of friends normally indulge then you will try to copy them, even if it is not consciously until you will acquire some of those bad habits that make losing weight a complete difficulty. If your friends are health conscious or if they keep teasing you about your weight, they could help you to focus on how you are going to improve your body shape. When you finally lose all the weight you hoped for. It is your friends who will compliment you on your achievements. They will be the ones who look out for you when you are backsliding into your old habits.
3. Your friends and family will give you the confidence to be able to try diets and exercises that eluded you for a long time. It is they who will cheer you up when things do not work out well. If you have friends who are cynical about your success or who laugh at you when you try to raise the issue of weight loss, then your journey will be that harder. Dieting is very hard work and you need good people around you to rally you when you are about to go downhill. The best people for this are your friends and family. It is even better to tell them the kind of influence they have on you so that they can make an effort to help you.
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